ORGANIZING FOR SUCCESS – If you can't find it in 30 seconds–it's the wrong place!
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Gallery 1 – BEDROOM
BEFORE – This teenager kept stuffing clothes into her dresser with clothes constantly falling on the floor with the hinges coming off.
AFTER – A simple system is now in place where see-thru containers without their lids were used and labeled for containing the clothes according to categories, and is now easily accessible.
Gallery 2 – OFFICE
BEFORE – Files had not been purged for over 2 years, and filing was not done on a regular bais. There was never enough room on the desktop to work effectively.
AFTER – The old files were purged and the cabinets and drawers were cleaned out getting rid of broken and unused office supples. The desktop space was now a usable area to work on projects.
Gallery 3 – SUPPLY ROOM
BEFORE – The supply room was so crowded because of ordering too many supplies, that people had to turn sideways to get down the isle from one end of the room to the other– plus it was a fire hazard.
AFTER – Items were grouped into “liked” categories for easy accessiblity and viewing. Now there’s plenty of space for more than one person to walk into the supply room without bumping into each other.
Gallery 4 – HOME
BEFORE – After doing a remodeling job, everything was dumped into these rooms to deal with later (9 months later!). The family couldn’t entertain, and it was an eyesore when entering from the front door.
AFTER – The family discovered there was a lot of stuff they never used, and donated several things to others who needed those items. They thought they added on another 2 rooms when the clutter was all cleaned up, so they planned a party to celebrate!
Gallery 5 – KITCHEN
BEFORE – Client couldn’t cook on the stove because everything was out from the cupboards onto the surfaces. The goal was to get some space to have some “home cooked” meals instead of eating out all the time.
AFTER – There’s a stove underneath all that stuff, and the client was so excited that now there’s some place to eat some healthy food.
Gallery 6 – DESK
BEFORE – When coming home, this was the first place to drop everything because it was near the front door.
AFTER – A simple system was put in place, so there was a designated place to put things in her tiny office space in a filing system that was easy to retrieve.
Gallery 7 – HOME OFFICE
BEFORE – Items that did not pertain to the home office were put in their appropriate places within the home. Very few items were labeled or put in pleasing-looking containers.
AFTER – When she turned around from her desk, everything was within her reach and not so cluttered, and no guessing where things were now.
Gallery 8 – DESK
BEFORE – Client couldn’t find anything on her desk in her home office, and had 3 projects going at one time. She had no system, so things were constantly getting lost amongst the piles.
AFTER – I Kept her most important basic organizing tools in the same place, but cleared everything off her desk that was old or not currently in use. Next, I put her books and magazines on the shelf where they belonged until she needed to use them.
Gallery 9 – SMALL AREAS
BEFORE – Because there was no system for purging and putting things in the right place, items were constantly falling off this tiny place. Stuff ended up on the floor and stacked on things because there was no place else to put it.
AFTER – There’s a place for everything now, and only the immediate items are placed nearby.
Gallery 10 – HOME OFFICE
BEFORE – There was so much clutter in this home office, you could barely walk. There was only a pathway to get to the desk–safety was an issue of tripping and falling over floor clutter.
AFTER – Client could now work in the area efficiently and distraction free. Walking safely in the office was now a breeze once items were purged and sorted, which made room for the things that were actually used in the office and was no longer a storage room area.
Gallery 11 – BASEMENT
BEFORE – As both views show, items were just thrown into the shelving unit and basement without a sense of structure, which made it a scavenger hunt to find anything.
AFTER – Putting in simple, stackable see-thru drawers was quick and easy. It is now very organized, and grabbing anything is at my client’s fingertips.
Gallery 12 – HOME OFFICE
BEFORE – This area was a constant distraction factor upon entering the door to the office and caused a lot of stress.
AFTER – The solution was just simply putting like items together and in the filing cabinets, and only having the items out that were currently being worked on. What a difference in reducing the stress, gaining more working surface space, and improving the productivity level.